Our Team

Erik Reynolds

Erik serves as the founder of Refuge Church Network. Sensing the call to move back to his hometown after serving as a Senior Pastor in North Carolina, Erik seeks to plant churches and assist in church revitalization in Central Massachusetts. Prior to serving in vocational ministry, Erik served 8 years in the United States Army as an Intelligence Analyst, Security Manager, and Non-Commissioned Officer. God used this time to equip Erik with the tools to mentor and equip others while serving in a consulting role by assisting other Army units in finding ways to adhere to Army regulations and requirements while discovering efficiencies and implementing effective procedures at multiple levels.

He has served in churches in Georgia, Massachusetts, and North Carolina in rural, suburban, and inner city contexts. Additionally, he has studied Theology, Church Planting, and Church Revitalization at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Liberty University’s Rawlings School of Divinity. Erik will graduate in May 2023 with a Doctor of Ministry in Evangelism and Church Planting.

Lastly, Erik teaches multiple subjects at the Berkshire Institute for Christians Studies and is the Year Three Coordinator of the Advent Christian Ministry Training Institute.